Can I go to sleep yet?

Today was a really hard day. I was just off my game emotionally and it caused some problems with Daddy. I’ve been so hyped on making this site mine and getting traffic that I wasn’t paying much attention to how I could follow his preferences AND do some of what I wanted to do. Though a difficult conversation we compromised on an individual page that explains RSS and how you can subscribe to my site via the many forms of it. You’ll see that it’s a new page listed on the site that says “Add Kimi’s Blog Feed“. Go ahead…click it then come back when you are done :0 He’s promised to give me some time soon to help me figure out a few more things I want to do in a way he can deal with. The upshot is…I was not a happy camper when I hit karate class.

Karate sucked hard tonight. Sensei was in a bad mood and I took several drive by’s on my exercises. The emotional upset transformed into serious headaches and a fundamental inability to deal so I had the sniffles, cried during parts of class, and generally looked like I was “just a girl”. I gained a point or two back when I accidently went to punch someone who I was drilling with. That wasn’t part of the exercise but it was a gut reaction. This amused the guys and pleased Sensei a bit I think. What it comes down to is that not all my ab work is as easy as it should be and I need to get much better at pushups. Nothing we don’t know. Had I been able to deal none of it would have looked like I get winded easily, or that I can’t keep up, or that I’m weak in spirit. I can only hope that the fact that I didn’t ask to sit down, came back on the floor when they all knew I was upset, and kept fighting showed I had some heart. The time has ended for any slack or whining about doing extra pushups at home. They simply have to be done or I’m just screwed. I’ll be damned if I’m going to have him send me back to the lower class, take my belt away, or have him pull me to the side and tell me maybe I should “rethink” this whole thing simply because I’m too lazy to do extra pushups and situps at home.

Switching Topics, I had absolutely no energy to write tonight. I have until Thursday pretty much free of major work except for a group of articles I’m writing for Daddy so I’m hoping to do some work on it. I continued to be a bad NaNo’er and found a link to a cool site which I think can be helpful to people trying to crank out all the details of their story. Take a look. It’s free and a lot easier then some of the really expensive writing software.

That’s all I got people….more later. Take this poll and make me happy!

How do you know I’ve updated my blog?

I read your RSS feed idiot!
I come directly here when the mood strikes.
I have you in an RSS Feed based Browser
I have you in an RSS Feed Client
Someone tells me
Use to have you on my LJ friend’s page but now I rarely the site since I forget.
I have your site bookmark and come when I think of it.
You don’t use LJ so I’m boycotting you.
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3 responses to “Can I go to sleep yet?”

  1. Pool answer

    I come here every day as part of my keep up with friends group on Maxthon

  2. I read here daily

  3. Heh! Thanks for being so sweet and leaving me comments. Think I’m gonna make a poll section on the side there so I don’t have to keep putting it at the top post. ๐Ÿ™‚ I read yours from my feed reader. ๐Ÿ™‚