Checking In

It’s almost my bday and it’s been a few days since I wrote to tell you I’m alive. Not much going on. I stayed home tonight to workout and play COV. Daddy went down to see Tat who’ll be coming back from Long Island after a long day there.

Not much to report. Doing research for ideas for the book. Playing a little COV. Trying to get back on the wagon and exercise every day. I did 25 mins on the eliptical tonight and a bunch of ab work.

Got a ton of stuff I should be doing but I’m feeling really exhausted so I think I’m gonna grab a snack and then go to bed. Tomorrow I will try and vaccumme both rooms, put up more xmas lights, workout, and hopefully take some calls. That’s as far as my current ambition is taking me.

When I come back in another life I want to have ambitition, motivation, and willpower.