::gasp:: Oh my god…check it




::gasp:: Oh my god…check it out. I’ve officially been up 13 hours. I’m fading but damn…I’m doing good without a nap. My head is still killing me but I’m in a pretty great mood.

I made 30 bucks tonight taking phone calls at keen.com. I spoke to two different guys about submission and didn’t fumble through it too badly at that. One guy even called back at .30 cents a min just to tell me goodnight. I didn’t keep him on the phone cause it was really sweet but still!

I hadn’t mentioned I was doing it directly cause it feels kinda slimy to charge to talk to me and stuff. But concidering I got an IRS bill to pay and a Trainer I don’t want to loose….I’m thinking taking calls about submission, running a website, or just chatting while I work on websites can’t be that bad right? I mean…it’s not against the law. I’m only charging for Keen mail when I have advice to give, and since I’m not charging anyone to chat with me on icq or the chat room I figure that adding the ability to call me by phone really is only an added feature, like the extra cams are features on the girl2 site.

I suppose since I’m sure you all will be curious I’ll tell you the homepage just so you can see it but let me state for the record: I DO NOT expect anyone to call me. I just thought you all might find it amusing.