Hey ya'll! Yesterady at the




Hey ya’ll! Yesterady at the LARP, was surprisingly fun. I ended up taking a “door character” (pre-built, almost no actual concept but what you decide to make up on the fly). She was a Gangrel (one of the more wolfish of the Vampires) and was newly embraced. There was a lot of cool stuff about her and what happened while I was there. I’ll write up a longer post in the member area. No….really I will.

Today was kind of a lazy day for me. I did a very small amount of work and slept off a headache. Other then that, nothing much more exciting happened. Tat and I have been talking and we think we are going to add a new, cool feature to Girl2. We’ll let you know when it’s all set for you to review! ๐Ÿ™‚ In the meantime, I’m off again to prepare for a pretty long and workfilled week. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Kimi