Hi everyone. We’ve been back from the meeting for several hours. Actually we got back at 4pm but after a little relaxing and some food we all passed out for hours. The meeting went really well. Daddy looked very spiffy in his suit and he wasn’t even too uncomfortable in it. Tat was great and let me borrow a really nice shirt she got for Xmas. She looked really nice in one of her buisness suits as well. We got there and set up our table. We had 3 posters, flyers and buisness cards. The food was good (grin) and Daddy got to go up last to talk. He gave a really good presentation despite how much he was nervous about speaking in front of a group of people. At the end of the luncheon several people came to talk to us and we exchanged alot of buisness cards. So now we cross our fingers and hope some people contact us. We’ll do some calls later this week just to touch base with a few of them. So over all…it was a pretty good day.