Over the last few days




Over the last few days it’s come to my attention that internet rumors, which have spread to the “meat” world, of Nostradamus’ phrophecies are going around. The ones that are circulating are:

“In the year of the new century and nine months,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror
The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.
Fire approaches the great new city.”

“In the city of york there will be a great collapse,
2 twin brothers torn apart by chaos
While the fortress falls the great leader will succumb
The third big war will begin when the big city is burning.”

I’m kinda into this type of thing, mystical things anyway, and I decided to look this stuff up just to see what I came up with. I found a site which had some interesting things to say:

“The first supposed prophecy does contain a few elements from various quatrains written by Nostradamus; however, they were not written together as one prophecy. The second “prophecy” being sent with lightning speed across the Internet is completely bogus, as far as I can tell. Incidentally Nostradamus died in the year 1566.”

The Quatraint which I thought was close was this one:

Century 5 Quatrain 65
“Suddenly arrived, the terror will be great,
The principal players in the affair are hidden away:
And the lady in the hot coals will no longer be in sight,
Thus little by little will the great ones will be angered.”

But I never found one, while searching the Nostradamus Database, about the 9th month on the 11th day. Nor did I find one about 2 great/metal/giant/iron birds taking down statues.