Archives and Stuff….




Hi all! Well we’ve been working away like mad with the new design. It kicks

ass in my humble opinion, and by tomorrow you should be able to see it! We want

to reveal it in time for our interview tomorrow! I’m so excited!

I managed to catch up to December, and almost have January done for the

Archives. Feel free to

go take a gander.

Today I went with Tat to the gym for her fitness appointment to find out what

they suggest for when she does weights. Yesterday I got to hit the gym for the

first time since I got sick. I had a great time and I was so happy to get back.

I planned on doing 30 mins and ended up doing 45 mins.

Tonight I’m heading to Karate, then going to Tat’s to work a bit more with

her on the design. Then after that I’ll be heading back here to finish up a few

things before I go to bed. Gotta get some beauty rest before the online

interview! Don’t forget to stop by and listen if you have a chance!