Off to Stay at Tat's!




Ok well I’m out of the house! I’m heading down to stay the night with Tat! We have a few movies, gonna get in the hot tub, and most likely will take some pictures!!

Thanks to a great fan I’ll be stopping and picking up 5 rolls of film we shot a while back! So we have some new galleries coming. ๐Ÿ™‚

Daddy and I will be heading home tomorrow. We’ll be at the Office for a while entertaining a guy who we know through BDSM. He’s also in a very small email RPG I’m starting. The woman who’s running it is writing a new book and she’s using our characters as writing fodder! ๐Ÿ™‚ It was funny when I found out I’d read her first book, MainLine! It’s a good book!