Glad I don't play the market




Well I’ve been on blogshares for a while and let me tell you. I don’t get it. :shrugs: If anyone wants to explain it feel free. LOL

I’ve been spending time getting myself off every spam list that gets thrown my way. Some take me off. Some don’t even let me. Some say I can get off if I send the snail mail. Fuck that. And some how I got myself on a spanish spam list. I can’t read it enough to figure out HOW to get off. LOL

I had some wonderful dreams last night. They are too jumbled for me to go into them and parts of it were good but freaky now that I’m awake to think about it. The best part was about me hooking up with Ashton who runs Punked’ on MTV. I don’t know how he got on my mind and I’m way too obsessed with him at the minute for my own good. Don’t you hate it when you “fall” for a star and you KNOW you will never meet them let alone be with them. Why the hell does that happen? I’m not talking you seeing a star and going…wow he’s hot too bad I can’t date him. I’m talking about a feeling in your gut that makes you REALLY sad you can’t go talk to them. As if you were with them and then they left you. That’s weird. Anyone want to explain that one too?