Look I can rhyme! LOL
It’s been a busy weekend, or at least it seemed like it was anyway. Daddy went down to see Tat on Friday night and stayed over until late Saturday. I hung out and did some work, cleaned up the office and bedroom, and well…played DaOC a little. I even worked on my journal too. ๐
Sunday (today) [[Soulhuntre|Daddy]] and I did alot of moving stuff around. We moved the Crossbow into the computer room, his mom’s dresser into the other corner, the ab dooer into the basement, the recumbant bike into the bedroom, and the large fish tank into storage. Whew…I’m tired just typing it. I will endevor to point the cam at some part of the Crossbow when I work out. According to the commercial in only 6 weeks I can have a better body. We’ll see. You can help me keep an eye on it.
Speaking of that, Tat and I want you to have more of a heads-up on what we are doing during the month so we have started using the Calender in our yahoo group. You do not have to join the group to see it. We are still using the newsletter link on the side of the news page to send out announcements.
As a last bit of news, we have set up our Affiliate program with Glo-bill. Anyone is welcome to sign up and make money from sending us members.
That’s all the news for now! Check checking back and click those links!