And yet..MORE snow




Well…in NJ and NY…there is more snow! 4 inches or so are coming. Sadly this means that the trip that we were planning on taking into the city Friday evening to see some friends needs to be postponed. Snow just sucks man (unless you are really hot, then you just open ALL the fricken windows!) Anyway, we are sorry we can’t go and see them and hopefully this won’t delay seeing Tat either.

Hell I don’t even know if I’ll get in to teach karate tomorrow. Thank god for a recumbant bike…one day soon I’ll see the inside of Curves again, LOL. Just joking, I was there not to long ago.

In other gossip:

I forgot to mention yesterday that Tat got 4 great new pair of shoes. I mentioned a store named Marty’s near our P.O. Box so we hit there and she found some on sale. Speaking of P.O. Box…since it’s about 20 mins away or so I don’t get up there often. You can tell this because a gift sent by Deth in January was finally picked up yesterday. They are beautiful hand-crafted pot holders by his Mom. She does great work. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll have to have her make me a comforter sometime. :0

We also got a HUGE box of Low Carb products sent by Bree! She rules man. Even though it looked like a box she packed up in order to move to a new house, I am SO thankful for it. I have such a hard time not eating carb stuff as snacks and protein is hard to get for me so this really helps out. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you again…both of you.