Hi Ya!! more regularly




Karate is looking like it’s getting ready to be a big part of my life. One of the Sensei’s at our school is leaving to go to Florida on Saturday. Usually, he and another Sensei take over teaching when our head Sensei isn’t there. That’s usually on Tuesdays and Fridays.

For a while Daddy and I have been going in on Friday because that’s the day that there is only one main teacher there. You have to have a black belt on the floor for insurance purposes. Tuesday and Wednesday use to be our “weekend”. But with one leaving someone needs to come in to fill up the slack and the next big dog in line is Daddy. Generally he’s got to finish up work until around 6:30 so that leaves me going in at 5 to help with the little little kids and the class after that…so it looks like things are going to get busy with us needing to help teach on Tuesday now and Friday, beside going to our regular Monday and Thursday class that we might need to help at. It use to be we tried to always go in but if we needed to we could skip it. It’s going to be harder to do that now.

On one hand…I have no problem doing that. While I’m not a black belt, I’m usually the only other reliable teacher on the floor helping. Everyone else who comes to help is sporatic. And I really like feeling important and valuable, respected. But on the other hand it’s another big commitment to an already big workload. I’m sure we’ll manage…we always do. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m planning on writing up a journal entry about my feelings lately with karate. So keep an eye out for the info that it’s up.