Slowly getting back on the horse




Well my machine is mostly loaded so I’m slowly getting everything back in order. I’m sure there is something I’ll need in about 10 minutes I don’t have that I’ll have to go track down…but that’s 10 minutes from now.

My foot as many of you have seen, is turning pretty shades of purple, blue and now a slight greenish cast. I can kinda walk on it but I really shouldn’t be doing that. I haven’t to try and be able to walk on it well for next weekends TESFest since I’ll be working Security for the entire event. If it’s not better…we might have to rent a cart. That would be kinda fun. LOL

Anyway, I”m checking in. I’m back at my desk now so I can work on archives and what not. Come say hi to me in the chat room. ๐Ÿ™‚