Merry Chrismahanakwanzaka everyone! I love that…I can actually say it now. LOL
Sorry it’s been a while since you’ve heard from me. Just been busy getting ready to xmas and stuff. Tat is here and we’ll be opening presents in a bit. We are heading to her house later on today to celebrate with her parents. Daddy is dog sick and I’m moderately ill. He’s been sick over a week but he managed to drag his ass to karate on Thursday for our interclass competition. I’m betting he’s glad he did because he was promoted to Sensei! I’m so happy for him. And now that he’s Sensei he can get a black gi to wear. One found it’s way to his doorstep and he looks very very spiffy in it.
I’ll post a picture soon.
I’ve been playing City of Hero’s off and on. Managed to get a copy of it and it rocks. I’ll be posting some screenshots soon. I look rocken as a super hero!
Off to shower and eat breakfast so we can open prezzies! I’ll be around tomorrow so come say hi in the chat room.