



Today Gino and I talked about Motivation. It seems to him and to just about everyone else in my life that my motivation slips the more praise that I recieve from say, Daddy. This is a problem and I’m not sure how to overcome it. I need to retain motivation even when I’m doing well so that I continue the cycle and therefore continue to achieve. Here’s a quick tarot reading I did before I head out to karate. I’ll ponder what it means later. You are welcome to have a go.

The Fourfold Vision spread offers a progression of different ways of looking at an object, person, or situation. It is a powerful tool for gaining deeper insight into the specific subjects of other readings.
Click for Details The card on the far right represents the object being viewed, be it an idea, relationship, or the self. The World, when reversed: Incompleteness and shoddy design. A great work betrayed. Insecurity, fear of change, and the failure to reach goals. Regret and disappointment.
Click for Details The card second from the right represents the physical vision: how the object is seen at a base or mechanical level. The Chariot, when reversed: Ineffective use of force. Might turned against the weak or the righteous. Senseless violence and warmongering. Lack of discipline and poor direction fan the flames of a situation already out of control. Advance without consideration of the consequences for others.
Click for Details The card in the middle represents the mental vision: the object personified and seen through a humanized perspective. Six of Pentacles (Success): A time of prosperity and profit. Success and generosity in material things. Power and influence turned to noble pursuits. Philanthropy, and the balancing of physical and spiritual life. May suggest gifts or aid to one in need.
Click for Details The card second from the left represents the emotional vision: how passions and values are creatively stimulated by the mental vision. Strength, when reversed: Weakness in the face of obstacles and adversity. Tremendous power released at the wrong moment. Inability to defend oneself. Confusion, and lack of preparedness. Illness, hardship, distress and the failing of physical force. Dominant behavior, abusiveness and a possible loss of reputation.
Click for Details The card on the far left represents the fourfold or mystical vision: still viewing through the previous three, we now add a spiritual element, revealing unseen aspects of the object. Nine of Cups (Happiness), when reversed: Vanity, conceit, and smugness in romance, friendship, or other relationships. Achieving what you always thought you wanted. Overindulging in food, drink, or the pleasures of the flesh. A state of joy and abundance that is shallow and fleeting.


3 responses to “Motivation”

  1. Kimi,
    I’m not sure if it helps you, but when reading through you spread and the descriptions the strongest glimpse that came to me was ‘fear of success’.
    Maybe you feel that you do not – for some reason – deserve to be successful. And then feel a kind of guilt when some one points out your success.
    Another thought is that you have a feeling of ‘meaningless success’. A success that feels shallow.
    You write that your motivation clips when being praised. Does this effect have anything to do with who is praising you? Might it be something about the values that person represents for you?

    You my thoughts of the top of my head ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. peter kinsey

    you might want to think about the way that you make yourself do things. Do you try to guilt yourself into action, punish yourelf if you dont perform or do you encourage yourself and promise yourself rewards for good performance. Are you motivated towards pleasure or away from pain. Next question is how do you feel about the way you motivate yourself? If you hear a constant stream of negative comments and punishments inside your head are you content with that? Are you a good coach for yourself – if you look at major league coaches you will see some are quiet and encouraging,some scream and shout at the team. Which style do you use and is it effective for you?

    This is all about mechanism, but you can also look at goals. Why do you do things? Are you looking for approval from others if you perform well, are you motivated to please yourself? When you perform well do you get the feelings you wanted to get and do they last?

  3. Bella

    Hi hon,

    Just looking at the reading, here is what I would tell someone if I did not know anything about the circumstances.

    1st card – it would seem the world you wanted is not what you are getting – your motivation is based on an unstable base foryou.

    2nd card – you feel out of control and are not ‘driving’ your chariot, that you are unsure of the maps, the roads and possibly the goal.

    3rd card – you are ‘seeing’ success internally, but it is not synching up with what your other senses are telling you – this might lead to guilt and could be causing motivation problems when the first two cards hit this third one.

    4th card – you again feel out of control, that your strength is not utilized properly and that you are lacking in your own abilities to focus it.

    5th card – You have what you thought you wanted, but cannot understand now why you are not happy – like king midas, you got what you asked for, but it isn’t what you truly wanted at heart.

    So…in total – we have as an object, motivation that is on an unstable base, physcially you are trying to motivate towards a goal you are not sure of inside, mentally you are seeing ‘success’ but it is in conflict with your feelings of instability and lack of true ‘goal’ which makes it exceptionally hard to motivate, emotionally you are feeling out of control, underutilized and lacking in focus – which makes it nearly impossible to motivate and in the mystical summary, you can’t grok why you seem to have exactly what you wanted, but are not fulfilled – so how is that motivating?

    The feeling the cards give is that the 3rd card/mental vision is seeing something that the rest of you is seeing as delusional. This can impede motivation as it eats away at the focus. In addition, the king midas feeling from the final card makes you wonder why you should bother to motivate when if getting what you WERE motivated for is not fulfilling, how will anything else truly be?

    They seem to indicate a need to sit back and reassess what you want and why so that you can motivate from firmer ground.

    Just my interpretation…*S*

    Bella – former professional psychic…no, really, i was.