Not a long one but…

I wanted to write real quick and say I’m doing ok. I may be a tad sick. I’m feeling fuzzy, a little sick to my stomach and my head hasn’t quit hurting in a few days. Yuck.

I got to spend the weekend with Daddy and Tat at her place. Hug on the dogs, see a few movies, chill out. Saw Corpse Bride. It was cute. Saw Serenity. I was bummed. Don’t want to give away the plot but you’ll know why I’m bummed when you see it.  I do think it is worth seeing. I love the lines in that show. They kill me. My new panic phrase is either “i am a leaf on the wind” or “oh god, oh god we’re going to die?” It’s why I really like Joss’s series. He has great comic timing.

Daddy and I did a little audio Japanese study which was really cool and very useful. I’ll be adding a few phrases to the Greybook later this week. I want to continue to practice with the audio book so what I’m learning to write will make some way into my head for speaking as well. I can say “a little”, “America”, “Japanese”, “excuse me”, “yes”, “no”…and that’s just what I learned today. I know a ton of Japanese words from the dojo. As for my writing I’m able to write half of the hiragana letters and am close to being able to write a few of the romanji I know, like my name and Tat’s, karate, dojo…etc.

I’ve gone back to doing my GTD outlook task list. I think it’s a good thing to do and will really help (like all things Daddy tells me I should do yet resist).

I’ve also been adding a ton of pictures to the karate school’s gallery. Feel free to go look. I took quite a hit last Thursday and I’d prefer not to repeat it anytime soon. Sensei was upset that the site hadn’t been updated and confused about what he’d approved. So I took a beating verbally there. I ended up feeling bad about it and asked to finish some stuff up during my class and got told “yes but you really need to start working out cause you are the worst one in the class”. :begin banging head on wall now: So it’s mucho cardio and lots of weight training on our new Bowflex. What more can I do then say “I’ll show him”.

Haven’t done much Tarot lately and need to get back on the ball. Things to pay off and no time to wait for me to get my groove back that always seems to happen when I take a few days off of it.


Quick note. I got the first book in the series “Dead Witch Walking”. It’s really helped me see how she started her characters out and put them in for future books. I’m going to also read the “Industrial Magic” series and see how she did it.

I had an opportunity to talk to Daddy this weekend about the best times for me to work on the book and had a small brainstorming sessions with him. Part of me feels like I’m bad at plotting the book cause he’s so good at giving me direction for it…but he says it’s just cause he’s up two screen writing books on me and has figured out the right questions to add. I’m not so sure about that but we’ll see. Regardless it’s still me who’s got to write all the words between page one and the end. I just need to keep remembering that as well as write down all those ideas so I don’t forget.

I’ll be able to write on the book free of hassle as long as I do my GTD task list. Being able to see what has to get done and what is coming up that I can work on a bit then move to writing will really save on the “how come you didn’t get x done and why are you working on that damn book”. He’s not unhappy about the book and he’s happy to support me…but it becomes “that damn book” when I neglect my job. Makes perfect sense to me.