Yes I live…




But you’d know that if you also read my site. Only joking. I know I’ve ignored KD but it wasn’t on purpose. I just didn’t think you all wanted redundant posts and all the cool stuff that’s been happening has been over at TC.

I’m getting really close to releasing my first chapter of my podcast novel, Guardians. I have another interview that should be up by tonight and several more in the can to edit. I have quite a few great casts planned to record and I’m still doing voice overs for people. I also had a great artist create a cover for my book. I’ll post it along with a link to the first chapter when it is up.

I’m getting things set for TesFest. I’m still looking for volunteers to fill a bunch of hours. It looks like I’m going to have my hands full for the event though because I’ll be taking care of Volunteers and helping run Security. I’m not planning on much sleep.

Things seem to be going ok relationship wise. I wish there was more time for talks but everyone around here has their own issues they are dealing with. Such is life. ๐Ÿ™‚

In prep for >DCon and >TesFest I’m getting serious about weight loss. I’ve worked out regularly this week and hope to make it a habit. I’m also trying to eat correctly. Except for yesterday when I had a mini coke I haven’t been drinking soda and I’ve been staying away from candy. I’m still working on the carbs thing.

I keep people pretty updated on Twitter so if you are missing me come find me there. >KimiDreams is my name. ๐Ÿ˜‰