What's going on with me




Hi everyone! Things have been going really well. I found out today that I am a finalist for the Parsec Awards in the Best Writing Related Podcast category! Yay!

I had a busy weekend. Went to help Flagg as per usual and then went to hang out with Brandon and some Floating World attendees. It was a lot fun and I had a good time getting out and hanging with him.

I’m working on the next part of Guardians and still seeking a few voice actors for some characters coming up. Things are going well with Holly’s Ebook and I’m on track to deliver to her before DragonCon in TWO WEEKS!!

Things are going a little slow with the “Thinking Sideways” workshop from Holly Lisle. Partly because I’m dividing my time between projects and the class. Currently I’m trying to get in touch with my Muse, so if you see her please let her know I’m patiently waiting for her to drop back by. ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s very much worth the time and money. A lot of it is helpful for life, not just writing. So I’m really digging it. I’m also going to use it to refine Guardians.

I’m including my entry for Mur’s Stories from the Third Wave in prep for her release of Playing For Keeps on the 25th. This was the first full-cast Stories of the Third Wave. Love Lines producer, editor, and concept created by Kimi Alexandre. All the participants created their own characters and their own lines for Love Lines.

* Dora Holly โ€“ Kimi Alexandre
* Jason Block โ€“ Jason Block
* Amora – Ivy Reisner
* Bruno โ€“ Chad Henderson
* Shelly โ€“ Paulette Jaxton
* Julie – Pamela Templin
* Kim – Comic Book Goddess

Love Lines – A story from the Third Wave