Category: updates
Twitter Updates for 2007-06-27
at tes listening to flagg speak. recording for a pip podcast # die hard was really really good # buying dragoncon airplane tickets #
Twitter Updates for 2007-06-25
been a hard day # at karate. teaching # went to mailbox today..sent out cc fax # finished 2 podcasts last night for #
Twitter Updates for 2007-06-23
f*cking around on facebook for a few more mins before i get to work # eating chicken and brown rice # shifting through a billion podsafe songs to find the right music for an intro # omg i’m falling asleep trying to find music 😛 # had to take a food break to keep from…
Twitter Updates for 2007-06-16
at the gym # off to lpn. i like todays weather. it suits me # sitting around watching people #