{"id":3382,"date":"2005-05-03T23:13:49","date_gmt":"2005-05-03T23:13:49","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.kimiko-dreams.com\/items\/2005\/05\/03\/a-long-day\/"},"modified":"2005-05-03T23:13:49","modified_gmt":"2005-05-03T23:13:49","slug":"a-long-day","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/kimiko-dreams-com.local\/2005\/05\/03\/a-long-day\/","title":{"rendered":"Warning: LONG!"},"content":{"rendered":"
On the way there I wrote down all Daddy’s contacts so they could be put back in his phone, deleted his pictures and text messages and then promptly failed to delete his contacts before I took it in the store as instructed. <\/p>\n <\/p>\n :sigh: I don’t know why I’m surprised that it’s an obedience offense. Cause I sure as hell shouldn’t be but anyway, I had a fight with the tech at the store about the fact that he could work the phone with no problems and couldn’t reproduce the problems I stated. According to him the phone was fine. I started to believe he was the Moses of cell phones as he then proceeded to try and switch phone numbers and contacts between my phone and his moms. I say this because the camera in my phone suddenly started working. It’s a MIRACLE! I’ll keep it short and sweet and let you know we did eventually get the phones switched. When I bullied the guy into running tests (which really only included them plugging in two other headsets and then having two other people use both the phone and the headsets) I left to head to Walmart. We didn’t really make it that far after some machinations and I ended up going back to the store while they ate.<\/p>\n Less then 10 minutes after I left they were miraculously done testing the cell phone and had concluded it 100% worked. He proceeded to tell me that they tested it for 15 mins. and couldn’t reproduce the problem therefore…there was none. Ok…except I repeatedly told them that it RANDOMLY stopped working. The phone…not just the headset. You can very very rarely reproduce a random event unless I’m mistaken about this one, and I don’t think I am. So it was great that it worked NOW…but sometime later…a RANDOM point in the future it would stop. UG. So I had to say the magic words. “Let me speak to a Manager.”<\/p>\n Less then 2 minutes later he was letting me know that in an hour I could come back and get a replacement phone since it was still under warranty. There now…was THAT so hard? Sheesh!<\/p>\n Despite the headache and stress I still had a blast shopping in Walmart with his mom and aunt. They manage to take stress to an all new level. Example: <\/p>\n Mom: Is Ken getting (Aunt) a Mother’s Day card or is he making one? What??!!! I said I didn’t know. How did that turn into his inability to handle something he said he was going to yet simply hasn’t filled me in on all the details of? I could only laugh because that and other nonsensical conversations before we left the store.<\/p>\n All was well in Kimiville until we realized I’d failed to do the contacts in his phone and then we had to have a discussion about it. I’m not going into details. I’m sure everyone will assume all the things I’ve done since then were all purely motivated by our discussion. But it’s not and that’s all I got to say about that.<\/p>\n I got Daddy out of the house and off to Tats<\/a>, I decided write down a list of things that needed to be done tonight before I went to bed, an outline of tasks that need to be done daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, in general, and things that count as rituals and rules. I also made an outline of goals that I’m working on so that I can go back later and write out more detail about how to best achieve them.<\/p>\n After that I finished updating all our bank accounts so they are current (I’m happy to report that I managed to make that goal of only being one week behind and doing an update each week.) I vacuumed, picked up both the office and bedroom, and dusted. It’s not clean…but it’s tidy and dusted. Another thing I managed from the non written list of things I had hoped to do on a regular basis. I changed the password on my moblog since it was accessed by Joe Yahoo at Verizon and did a bit up updated research on the new stuff that’s happened over at textamerica<\/a>. I got a small piece of work done that Daddy asked me to do if I had the time, and then did 32 minutes on the elliptical. I planned to go for 20 at least and then the elliptical blessed me and went from lv. 5 to lv. 3 and with it and the happy music from my Dell DJ I went another 12 mins.<\/p>\n Once I finish this blog I have to pay for a few domains Daddy wants, go get some food and eat while I read a Chapter of Atlas Shrugged. 100 situps and pushups and then it’s bed time. All in all an extremely productive day and one I hope to repeat…consistently.<\/p>\n I pushed through the headache and fatigue like a good girl and am pretty happy with myself for being able to do it. Again…here’s hoping it’s a repeatable experience. I know I “can” do it…I just hope I “will” do it. Yoda has become the mascot for the East Wing I guess. There is no longer “Try…just do”.<\/p>\nThis morning started out way early. 4 hours after we went to sleep, Daddy<\/a>’s Mom woke me up to let me know she was going to Walmart, which consequently is near the Verizon store. Since Daddy’s phone needed to be fixed I shoved myself out of bed and went with his mom and aunt.<\/p>\n
Kimi: I don’t know I haven’t asked him.
Mom: Well fine then, why would I expect him to take care of it!<\/p>\n