{"id":3556,"date":"2005-10-13T02:24:56","date_gmt":"2005-10-13T02:24:56","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.kimiko-dreams.com\/items\/date\/2005\/10\/13\/ramblin-ramblin-ramblin\/"},"modified":"2005-10-13T02:24:56","modified_gmt":"2005-10-13T02:24:56","slug":"ramblin-ramblin-ramblin","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/kimiko-dreams-com.local\/2005\/10\/13\/ramblin-ramblin-ramblin\/","title":{"rendered":"Ramblin Ramblin Ramblin"},"content":{"rendered":"
I’m having a hard time sleeping. No…I haven’t been stolen by pod people despite Flagg’s concern over not having been medicated out the eyeballs last night for the common headache that follows me around like what-ever-his-name’s dust cloud from Peanuts. I think I’m having a slight anxiety attack but I’m not sure. I haven’t had one in over 2 months really. I was kinda enjoying it. It may be my period (too much info I know), it may be the weather (though it never has been before), it may be me not being as thoroughly accurate on my meds as I should be (more likely of the three)…but it is never the less disconcerting.<\/p>\n
I will be heading back to lay down in a few but I had to be up to poke Daddy about now so I figured, why the hell not right a post. I just finished the last of my fun books. I have more I want to read but I haven’t bought them yet. Tonight’s ANTM poked at my motivation button and I feel like kind of a looser. No book done, no famous website full of hot pics of me, no kick ass bod with navel ring and tattoo……….yet.<\/p>\n
I received alot of nice comments last night at TES from people saying I looked good. That’s always great to hear and I was very happy for it. The meeting went well and I think I even contributed quite a bit to the discussion despite my fear of being a bobbing head doll who just sat on the panel. I got to meet a really really pretty Asian girl who of course I now must lust after (lol…let’s hope that doesn’t scare the shit out of her if she ever comes to read this). Many people told me that they enjoyed the panel and liked my comments. I think they were sincere and not just saying that. I even got to go out afterwards and have diner chat with some of the girls which was fun and helped me feel more like someone who knows people rather then someone who comes to meetings but never talks to anyone. We even conspired like close friends and left the diner richer then we came in.
All in all…total success.<\/p>\n
I was offered a beta tester spot for City of Villains and I think I’m gonna jump on the opportunity. It won’t consume all my time but it’ll be fun and something to distract me from my favourite past time (sleeping). <ramble> I spoke to my mom and she is going to send me the tapes of me and her that she did when I was like two. I was the cutest thing if I say so myself. Tat is over staying the night and we may go to Kingda Ka Friday. Next Sat we have to go to a costume party and I’m not looking forward to figuring out a costume. <\/ramble><\/p>\n