\n (What I find amusing is that all my other LJ friends were naughty!)<\/p>\n Dear Santa,<\/b><\/p>\n This year I’ve been busy!<\/p>\n In March I gave 2muchexposition<\/strong> a Dutch Oven (-10 points)<\/font>. Last month I gave murasaki_teapot<\/strong> a kidney (1000 points)<\/font>. In April I helped dethb0y<\/strong> see the light (8 points)<\/font>. Last Wednesday I bought porn for worknplay1<\/strong> (10 points)<\/font>. In August on a flight to Vancouver, I stole the emergency flight information card (-40 points)<\/font>. <\/p>\n Overall, I’ve been nice<\/b> (968 points)<\/font>. For Christmas I deserve an Easy-Bake Oven<\/b>!<\/p>\n Sincerely, <form action="'http<\/p>\n <\/p>\n |