When I was about 17




When I was about 17 or so (don’t quote me on the age) I was in love with Christian Slater. So much so that I begged and begged the local video store to give me the huge poster to “Pump Up the Volume“. What I find amusing at the moment that while trying to allow myself some stress relief while I”m at my desk so that I can relax and help my headaches I’ve found alot of internet radio stations. Course I’m not fond of just talk radio like that in Pump Up the Volume but this is great being able to hear what I want without having to get up, fumble through tapes or CD’s or turn a tuner or whatever.

On another interesting note…Tat and I were asked if we were interested in having a radio show spot on Pudup.com. Tat isn’t very interested but I’m kinda thinking about it. I think it ties into the whole famous thing. Course there are several problems. 1) Will anyone like the music I play. 2)Will I get any listeners to interact with? 3)Will I be able to keep up with the times that the shows are on. So…I’d kinda like your opinion about it. Let me know.