So it's rained all day




So it’s rained all day and I’ve loved it. Course it didn’t help us get alot accomplished but still…I liked it. I was kinda mad at myself. I had these grand plans of getting up at 11am this morning and going to the gym. I came nowhere near close to making it. I didn’t get until 4pm. We tried to get to XMen but it was fairly packed so we decided we’d try for the midnight show. We went to grab some coke and diet coke from Daddy’s mom’s house and ended up getting them to make us dinner. So by the time we got home at 8 we hadn’t accomplished much. I ran the laundry down, put on my shoes and did a 30 minute walk on the treadmil and then updated my wishlist for any of you who has the heart to go take a peek. Tat spent the evening working on a new t-shirt, mouspad, and coffee cup design that KICKS ASS! And it’s already available for order!!! Go check it out. Btw…if you weren’t around to watch the cam today…you missed it cause Tat’s looked great in a school girl kinda outfit. ๐Ÿ˜› We tried one more time for a movie but it was STILL packed so we are gonna try again tomorrow afternoon. We’ll also be out of the office to go to dinner at his Mom’s house and to watch Sixth Sense with them.