Happy Oct 1




You might have noticed there is a small problem with images updating on the cam. My cam seems to keep throwing an exception that Daddy is helping me work on. Soon as it’s fixed the cam will be back up and running.

I want to say thank you to the kind and honest guy who wrote to tell me that the login for the member section was letting everyone in. You didn’t have to do that and it’s appreicated. ๐Ÿ™‚ Feel free to stop by chat and say hello.

I have a cold to go along with the chilly October beginning. It’s a pain in the head/neck and I’ll be happy when it’s gone. Though as usual with the unset of it being cold outside. It’s just as cold inside. I’ve never gotten use to the thought of keeping windows open and wearing sweaters inside. I thought they made those to wear outside when you were cold. I had thought that they invented heating indoors for people who wanted to be warm within walls. Anyway…I should be around tonight and tomorrow. No big plans here.