Hey there





Alrighty gang…I’m still in transition here but let’s update ya a bit. We’ve switched all the main sites to WordPress so that’s why this all looks different. Girl2 is in flux and we are deciding what we are going to put there. Most likely it’s a place where we’ll put up some pics of us both, I think Daddy is going to stream all of the blogs into there as one place you can go to read it all if you want, maybe a forum….you can send me ideas if you have them.

Tat will have a blog but I don’t know if her schedule or desire will permit her time to do it. I’m sure you will be able to find tons of adorable pics of her puppies when she has time to upload them there!  If she has the time she’ll end up mixing the blog site into her origional site.

I guess I need you to bookmark this site, girl2, and my livejournal site although if you want to just start coming here I will tell you if you need to check out girl2 for anything cool. I’m kind of excited to have this site back up. I’ve been wanting to for a while but didn’t want to distract myself from girl2.

You will see that you can now post comments. I’m in the process of making ALL posts commentable so feel free some day when you are bored out of your skull to go back to any of the posts in the archives and make a comment. Don’t fret if you don’t see it right away, to make sure no one gets crazy and I don’t get comments like “go home you whore!” I am approving all comments. But I’m a mail freak and will get notified when you post so it’ll be up asap. Unless you piss me off then I don’t know what to tell you. ๐Ÿ˜›

From the way I’m writing, you should be able to tell I’m feeling a little better. My mom sent me some money so I can get my tooth looked at. That’s hopefully the only thing I can’t get charity care for. Monday Daddy’s mom is planning on taking me to the ER and we’ll start that fun process. Daddy is sick as a dog and I feel bad for him cause he’s got much work to do.

I’ve lowered the prices of my tarot listings so that I can make some more cash. 10 bucks has now become 1 bill payment and with the amount of bills and the number of payments I need to make a month the cheap calls are now worth it to take. I’ll take anyone’s ideas on if I should list every place I take calls from on my gifted-reader site. Should I give all the multiple places as a price option or pick one and hope that they take it? Give me your opinion. (I just started to leave an email link…but hey! you can comment now!)

Keep checking back…I’m still adding all the old Kimiko Dream posts, fixing category listings, improving the template, and making it look more like ME.


2 responses to “Hey there”

  1. Hey’s kimi ๐Ÿ™‚ And bonus on the new site, i like the colors. Real warm and nice.

  2. Cool setup. One gripe – font on right column is too tiny to read.

    :: hugs ::