



I734818218Last night we watched some of the special features on Blade 3 and it renewed my motivation to work out. Jessica Biel looks amazing, as you can see from the picture provided. They said she worked out every day doing 45 mins of cardio, an hour of weights, 2 hours of Karate, and 2 hours of archery. No wonder she looks fanominal. They also said she got to like 12 percent body fat. I would so kick ass in my test if I got to where she did.

I can’t help but think it’s so much easier when you have a trainer. Someone there to push you through rough spots. How much of that is an excuse, I don’t know. My friend is pretty much where I use to be. She works out at the gym 2 hours at a time when she goes. I just wish she lived closer. She’s farther away then Tat is.

This morning I weighed myself and I’m down to 160! I’m so excited about that. I keep reminding myself how much better I’d look if I did more cardio and added weights to that. Every day is a new day right?


One response to “Motivation…”

  1. Wahoo yay you!
    Its the starting that is hard. If you can just force yourself to start… its easier to keep going.
    (usually ๐Ÿ™‚ )