I'll be realistic…

A quick entry before my eyes fall out of my head. Today was slightly better then yesterday. A continuation of a discussion Daddy and I had was concluded this evening. I didn’t like some of it…the rest of it made sense. Live and learn.

I stopped by the school tonight and saw Sensei. He asked me how come I didn’t tell him I was having a bad day yesterday and that my mood might cause me some issues in calls. He insisted I told him I had “allergies” (I told him I had a headache and that wasn’t a lie) and that I should have told him. He said he worries about me and doesn’t want any of his students to have “heartache”. I basically told him that a) there wasn’t much time to give him more of an answer because he needed something from me when I walked in and b) what does any of that have to do with martial arts and why should it be an issue when I’m expected to perform. He just kept saying I should have told him that he wouldn’t have singled me out yesterday if he’d known. In the end all that matters is they saw me smiling and happy and I told him that I was fine. I didn’t take the “whiny” way out. And that’s important to me.

I’ve decided to skip NaNo. I’m way behind quota and I appear to be in Writer’s Gadget obsession. I’m spending a lot of time looking through Author’s Blog sites and finding good website that will help with research and stuff. I don’t have the time or energy to be annoyed with myself for not following the rules of a “contest” that only gives you out an icon. I’m simply going to set a realistic but quick goal for myself. I think by Feb. I can accomplish what I want to of getting the book done and in decent submittal shape.

Because Daddy’s been busy he hasn’t had time to check out the notebook I was lent but plans on doing it relatively soon. By not pressuring myself to NaNo I can relieve him of me pressuring him to get the Notebook done.

Hopefully both Daddy and I will get more productive things done tomorrow. here’s to hoping.

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One response to “I'll be realistic…”

  1. I read here daily