Ok this just bites!




So I’m going through my Lifehack RSS and coming up with some damn good stuff to help me and I find this link about how NOT to talk when someone is trying to converse with you. None of it’s particularly helpful until I find this statement and then I just want to swallow my own head cause I know I do it.


A specific escalation of YOU’LL PAY FOR THAT; make it seem as if the other person is attacking you rather than making a simple point or correction, especially if you suspect that the other party is correct. Rather than staying on the subject, begin to act hurt–as if you have been viciously attacked as a human being–rather than admit you are wrong, or could do better, etc.

“I can’t do anything right…”

“I suppose in your eyes I am just a total failure.”

[“I think the reason people are honking and gesticulating at you is that the sign says MERGE, not STOP.”] “Well, if you think me such a terrible, horrible person….”