



Well, I think I’m recovered for the most part. I had my emotional break down from my high of the weekend yesterday. Could have really lived without that. Can we say major insecurity. It was coming from all sides, and having to go talk to my therapist didn’t help much. I still come away feeling like they don’t understand my life. Though Gino did remember Adam’s name. That was impressive.

The weekend, in retrospect….had ups and downs.

I think I went into it really believing I’d have more time to myself then was possible. The first two days I worked my ass off and did a really good job of staying awake and managing the volunteers. I was hell on wheels and happy Kimi. ๐Ÿ™‚

Somewhere along the lines of the third day I thought I deserved to rest and play after all the hard work I’d put in and that my people, who I’d grown to know could handle it. While they could, I didn’t really consult Daddy about that. A few problems arose while I was off having my fun that kind of started a down hill slide into Monday.

It’s not worth discussing because in the end everyone, including Daddy remembers the good points of the weekend. How hard I worked, how good I was to my staff, how happy I was, how willing I was to make it happen. I got to spend a bit of time having a scene with Tat and Adam. She beat the hell out of him and I teased him to death during it all. I’m pretty sure he enjoyed it (grins).ร‚ย  I got a little bit of play from Tat, and Adam helped clean up the wax with his knife. ๐Ÿ™‚ I got to see parts of some classes I wanted to be in, and flirt with some really cute t-boys. I did spend alot of time comparatively with Adam and while we didn’t spend as much intimate time alone as I might have wanted (I am a horny girl after all) we got very comfortable with each other I think and that was really good.

I feel bad that I didn’t make a lot of time for Daddy. I think part of me didn’t want to pressure him or distract him from what he was doing. The other part was just being selfish and doing what I wanted to do. I’m still working on that.

Overall….I think the weekend was a success despite the mountain I made out of a mole-hill. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you to everyone who helped me through it. You all know exactly who you are.