



Yes I’m still alive. I know it’s been a few days. Didn’t have much new to say really. I went and stayed the night with Tat on Friday night after I helped Daddy with the 5 o’clock class.

My buddy got promoted and I was really happy for him. He was SO thrilled and the blue belt looks really good on him. I gave him a high five on his way out and he told me he was going to be even louder now. LOL I love that I’m partly responsible for helping him become a better kid. I don’t want children and never will but I really really like being able to be there for certain kids that resonate with me. ๐Ÿ™‚ Half a year ago he wouldn’t have gone forward in a fight to save his life, he would have ducked instead of looking at who was coming at him, he would have spent most of his time frowning and yawning, his exercises would have sucked and he would still be getting beaten up by his brother and not really caring what his mom or other adults thought. Now he’s loud and works hard at showing how good he is at his exercises and is SO proud of himself when he gets questions right, he goes froward in fights and has an awesome front kick, he is encouraged when his mom, Sensei or I are proud of him and he doesn’t listen to his brother when he says he should curse or do something stupid. I love this kid!

I let Adam have Friday night to rest and relax. I was good…I only asked him like 3 times if he was SURE he didn’t want me to come up. (lol, sorry hun) A friend sent me a picture of him at the bar when he went to visit and say hi. Gotta love camera phones and it made me smile to see a picture of him. God I’m so smitten. LOL He told me that he hopes to find some time for us to get together before his vacation at the end of September and I’m very much looking foward to it. In the mean time we’ll text and chat when there’s some free time and I’ll keep trying to kick his ass at Bejewled 2. ๐Ÿ˜›

Tat and I went and ran some errands today before we came back to her place and colored my hair. It’s been forever since it was colored and it looks SO much better. We dyed it black and I feel so much prettier and confident having it redone. Silly things make me feel better like getting my hair done and having make up on. I’ve started really loving it when Tat brushes my hair. It’s like a mini massage and I don’t feel quite so bad asking her to brush my hair as I would asking for a massage. LOL

We both worked a little bit on our passive aggressive behavior. LOL We still need moreร‚ย practice but we’re getting there. ๐Ÿ™‚ We went into the city for a workshop on time management and getting things done. Amusingly enough we were late to it. Traffic and a few pit stops caused it. It was pretty interesting and I got a few handouts I’m going to go through later.

I’m here alone until Monday morning. I’m planning to clean the office and the bedroom, vacumme, update the accts, make my list of things to pack for DragonCon, and workout tomorrow. Other then that I’m chilling and hanging out. Monday is karate and beginning to pack, Tuesday I will pack more and probably go stay with Tat and the zoo, Wednesday I’ll finish up packing and Tat will stay over and Thursday we get on a plane to head to Atlanta. I have to check the pocket guide and start planning out the classes I’m gonna go to. Expect lots of pictures and I’ll try and update while I’m there. I’ll miss talking to people but it will be nice to have a “vacation” if I can manage it without getting into to much debt. ๐Ÿ™‚ Start sending those good vibes now. ๐Ÿ˜›