Back on the tredmill….(eliptical)




As I mentioned the other day I want to get back into working out. There are a few reasons. 1) I want to look better for myself. 2) I want to look better to others. 3) I’d really love to get my navel ring and my dedication tattoo.

So I re-measured myself yesterday and thought I’d put up the comparison chart from the last time I did. I gained a bit. It is always weird to me though how I can have gained in both inches and weight yet I can get into size 8 jeans anyway. Weird.

Didn’t manage to work out today but I’m running a fever and a serious headache. I think I’m allowed.

Date Created 2/24/2007 7/7/2006

Body Composition
Body Fat 37.68 35.29 2.39
Weight 157.00 149.00 8.00
Lean Body Mass 97.85 96.41 1.44
Fat Mass 59.15 52.59 6.56

Additional Health Indicators
Body Mass Index (BMI) 28.67 27.21 1.46
Waist To Hip Ratio (WHR) .20 .21 -.01

Your Metabolism
Resting Metabolic Rate 1330 1316 14
Lifestyle Calories 1,130.00 1,118.00 12.00
Total Calories 2460 2434 26

Your Measurements

Weight 157.00 149.00 8.00
Height 62.00 62.00 .00
Neck 13.50 13.00 .50
Shoulders 42.00 42.00 .00
Chest 35.50 34.00 1.50
Waist 32.50 31.00 1.50
Abdomen 35.50 35.00 .50
Hips 40.50 39.00 1.50
Thigh 22.50 21.50 1.00
Knee 14.00 14.00 .00
Calf 13.00 13.50 -.50
Ankle 8.50 9.00 -.50
Arm 11.25 11.00 .25
Forearm 7.50 7.50 .00
Wrist 6.00 6.00 .00