Yeah I know…




I know it’s been a while. I was torn between having a week or so where I was so busy I didn’t have time to write and then a week or so where I wasn’t in the mood to write cause I had the down turn in mood. It seems like it MIGHT be coming back considering I got my ass out of bed today from a nap to do work. Always a good sign. I had the crap scared out of me today. Sadly I can’t explain but it involves money and the lack there of…or so I thought. All’s ok with the world so I can breath again but for a while there suicide looked like a really good option.

Everyone seems to either love my hair or it’s “growing on them”. I’m going to grow it out a little longer I think in back…definately get it tipped and highlighted blue. Don’t want to do that really until I grow it out some though. So in a few weeks I’ll do it.

Karate has been….ok. Stressful and I’ve been teaching pretty much every class. This upcoming week Daddy and I are running the school while Sensei is away. I’ve been getting some praise from him and that’s nice. I’ve also started not caring as much which I think has improved my stress in a way. LOL I care what he thinks…my world will not end if he’s unhappy with me. He’ll get over it.

My attitude has been commented on by alot of people. Daddy, Flagg, DD and some others have said they are happy with the changes. Sensei is taking responsibility. LOL Tat told me she was happy the “old kimi” was gone. Not sure she is but at least she’s on a serious vacation. Do her good to get out and play a little *smirk*. I think part of the reason is the work I’m doing with the podcasts and writing, the boy, the hair, the boots, the d/s classes I’m teaching and getting out of the house more often.

I’m hoping on Sunday to go to another Sci-fi writer’s meeting in Philly. Here’s hoping it works out. ๐Ÿ™‚ Haven’t had time to go to my crit partner in NYC but then again I’m behind on my writing too. I can’t believe I have tomorrow as a full day to just be home if I choose. I’m hoping to hit the gym, maybe go with Daddy to a meeting, and write and do some work. I’m behind on some of my shows and it would be cool to catch up on them too.

Ok…enough rambling. I’m tired and going to bed. Tale Chasing is doing well and you should go check out the new episode (4) and see the adorable banner Daddy helped me create! Go….now!