believe it or not




I was asked to post some good things about myself. I’m SO not in the mood to do a post like this and I’m sure it’s not remotely going to be enough…but beggers can’ be choosers and the fact that this post is even here should say something.

So here’s a tossed off list of things that are good about me before I go to the gym…

*i AM making an effort to go to the gym and dedicating my time even when i don’t want to do do it
*i created a concept, proposed, recorded, edited and published a product for someone i admire and it came out well
*i came up with an entire plot and ending by myself (with a little side help)
*i handled tesfest security and volunteering at the last few events (many people said i did a good job)
*i’ve kept to my word about not lying for the last several months
*i’ve kept my code of not saying things to intentionally hurt people even when i really want to
*i continue to fight even when i want to give in
*i have created, recorded, edited, and produced several good podcasts
*i won “best webcam girl” one year
*i have a way of making connections with people
*i have a talent for reading body langauge and helping people sometimes
*i’m occasionally very photogenic

that’s all you get. it’s all i can manage for the moment….later