Author: kimiko

  • Off to see Tat

    I’m so tired! I was suppose to get this morning to go to an Endocrinologist appt. at 8:45. Only problem was that I had a really hard time getting to sleep last night and ended up staying up until it was time to leave to go. I’ve had about 4 hours of sleep in a…

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  • Motivation…




    Last night we watched some of the special features on Blade 3 and it renewed my motivation to work out. Jessica Biel looks amazing, as you can see from the picture provided. They said she worked out every day doing 45 mins of cardio, an hour of weights, 2 hours of Karate, and 2 hours…

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  • Wow




    Daddy says I have to put in a blog entry…RIGHT NOW. I don’t happen to have a headache. AMAZING!

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  • Getting ready for sleep

    I just took my last call of the night, I think. I’m so glad I did. I came to double check my mail before bed and saw that I had someone waiting to talk to me. It was one of my regulars and I don’t have many of those as it is. So I decided…

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  • Doing ok

    Hi everyone. I’m over at Tat’s, so that’s why no cool icon. Don’t have one for my particular mood at the moment anyway. ;0 I won’t really have a chance to get to my computer when I get home cause it’s gonna be a busy day so I thought I’d just do a quick note…

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  • :sigh:

    I just saw Episode 3 of Star Wars. As a movie…I liked it. I thought it was well put together. I liked the graphics. The acting and the script were awesome. But being the hopeless romantic I am…it just broke my heart to watch Anakin become what we knew he must become. I feel like…

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  • 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

    Not totally sure how to start. I just got done watching ANTM and I’m happy and sad. I was so happy that Naima won. I knew she would from the start. I picked the last two as well. But I was so sad for Kahlen. She kinda won my heart after the “Wrath” episode.  This…

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  • Doing better

    I’m doing better today. Right now I’m so nervous about my reading at 7 that I think it’s not letting me have any time to freak out about meds or whatever. This will be my first in person reading and I’m hoping it goes well. Daddy’s Mom is all worried about me being alone with…

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  • Blah

    Just a quickie. I guess I thought that when I got the prescription for the Welbutrin I’d be set. I guess I thought I’d take it and I’d be peachy and not have mood swings or be depressed but I am. I was depressed over the weekend to the point of getting all weepy. Today…

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  • Outta here ๐Ÿ™‚

    Ok we are out of here until tomorrow night. I’ll think of  you all while I have fun in the hot tube and hanging out.

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