Category: general
Praying to the Saint of Lost Things….
Somewhere in this house…cause I know it has to be in this house…is a piece of very valuable software that I HAVE to find. I can not even fathom that I can’t find it. We wouldn’t have taken it anywhere. There’s no one we would have loaned it to. It should be in this room.…
Working Hard
I obviously missed my post last night. Daddy let us go to bed really early so I skipped over blogging. I plan to write more a little later and update you on stuff from yesterday but I wanted to write real quick and point out a few things. On the side bar you’ll see a…
A Quickie…
Just a quick note as I tromp off to bed…3 hours after I was officially able to do so. Are we noticing a trend here? Had a question and decided to give you more homework then just the last post. LOL If you write a comment do you enjoy reading a reply from me or…
A real book should be easy….
Pre. P. S. Yes I know my tags aren’t working ….working on that… God I don’t even know where to start. Tonight is one of those nights were I don’t really want to do an entry yet I have a billion and one things I want to discuss. It’s the process I don’t want to…
Warning: LONG!
This morning started out way early. 4 hours after we went to sleep, Daddy’s Mom woke me up to let me know she was going to Walmart, which consequently is near the Verizon store. Since Daddy’s phone needed to be fixed I shoved myself out of bed and went with his mom and aunt. On…
Ground to cover!
Let’s see….so much to tell. Where to begin. Today’s adventure to the ERThis morning Daddy’s mom and I went to the ER in UMDNJ. We got there around 10 and by 11:30 I was already back in the actual ER. I was surprised I got back there so fast. There was only one person the…
Off to visit Tat 🙂
Hi there. We’re heading out to see Tat for lunch. I’d take pictures on my camera phone but it’s not working. Maybe I’ll take some with Daddy’s camera. I’ll be putting the pictures like they were on Girl2 here on the side. If you are new or wondering what is going on read down a few…
I'm Safe!
The Web Fire Escape is a simple device which has been designed to allow readers of weblogs to instantly replace a Web Fire Escape equipped blog with an alternate work-safe site or a fake word processo…
Hey there
Alrighty gang…I’m still in transition here but let’s update ya a bit. We’ve switched all the main sites to WordPress so that’s why this all looks different. Girl2 is in flux and we are deciding what we are going to put there. Most likely it’s a place where we’ll put up some pics of us…
Hey there…
Bare with me guys as I get all this together. I appreciate the patience. I’ll explain things in that post as well. 🙂