Uck…what happened to me




I’m just so terribly bored. Not bored in the sense that I don’t have anything I can do. Bored in the sense that I just don’t want to do ANYTHING.

Sure…I can do more Girl2 work. That never ends. I could do Keen calls and/or watch TV. Scare Tactics is on in 30 mins. I could surf the web or work on a new page for my site from the inspiration of a page that Daddy sent to me today.

Just now I went and measured and I’m actually horrified at the results. It just goes to prove that if you have a thyroid problem…you HAVE to take your pills or if nothing else you’ll get fat. Oh and sleep all the time. ๐Ÿ™‚

Alright so maybe I’ll go work on my fitness page. I hope she doesn’t mind if I steal some of her ideas. ๐Ÿ™‚