Burning out of my head…




Today was a very long day. At least it felt like it. My eyes are so tired they feel like they are burning out of my head. I didn’t really get to do everything I wanted but I did get to do some fun things. We went and saw Riddick again. We bought Pitch Black and it had a free movie ticket in it. So all told we paid like 4 bucks to get in. That was cool. ๐Ÿ™‚

I hope to get my weight routine mapped out tomorrow. I want to get going on it asap. There is only so much you can change with food choices and only so much willpower you can get while eating when you don’t have any other way to get results.

Would anyone like to tell me why Kentucky Fried Chicken advertizes pot pies but NEVER has them? I mean is there just a rash of people going in JUST for the pot pies? I’m not crazy am I? :shakes head: Needless to say they gave us an extra free cake cause we had to wait 30 mins for 3 pot pies. A good deal but it would have just been nice to walk in and buy the damn things.

We went to Kohls and got daddy some spiffy pants, shirts, and ties. He’s gonna look great in them! ๐Ÿ™‚ I got a skirt and a shirt. I tried to find something for Tat but everything either looked to casual or was part of a set that I didn’t think she’d like anyway. We’ll just have to go shopping again. :grins: