Just an update

FluffyNot much to say. Having a hard time getting to sleep. Must of been that nap I took. I’m pretty much done with Atlas Shrugged. I have to go back and read the 40+ page oratory John gives at the end of the book. I skipped it to get to the end of the story. Not like I wasn’t pretty sure of what it contained anyway. ๐Ÿ˜›

Not much going on with health except that my welbutrin has been delayed. Good thing I called to ask where it was. They weren’t even going to let me know that they were missing a document and a signiture. So I have to make arrangements with the new Advocate to get that done.

COH has been going pretty well. I figured out teamspeak and now am trying to get my SG to all get their butts in gear and get on.  For the last few nights I’ve been able to play using teamspeak at the same time and it makes the game even more fun.  I have alot to add to the SG page here. Maybe I’ll do that tomorrow.

I’m still waiting on Daddy to get my tarot site turned over to WordPress. There’s only so many times I can ask him. Maybe I’ll ask him again tomorrow.

After I get through with Atlas I’m suppose to read “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe”. So I’ll see about walking up to the library tomorrow to get it. Kill two birds with one stone and get my work out out of the way at the same time.

Talk at you all later.