
As Mythbusters would say….”I’d call this one totally busted.”

Daddy and I waited out at Best Buy with a guy from karate from 11:30pm til they handed out numbers for the 50 boxes they had at 5:30am. It rained like a mother and was really cold. Daddy was a total champ and stood in it with a poncho and umbrella on no sleep. I ran home half way through to get him new socks and boots and to stop off and get doununts. I got lost pretty much at every turn and a 2 hour trip took me more or less almost 4 with the rain, etc. I was just paying for the doununts when Daddy rang and said he had a ticket and we didn’t need the coffee. When I got back the line that had been waiting was totally dispersed like it had never been except for the wake of refuse laying around to prove it.

Daddy slept in the car for an hour and change til we could go in at 8 with everyone. When it was all said and done and we had to walk out….all I can say is “Not only were there no carribu…they called to say nanny nanny boo boo.”