Testing out Word as a blog tool!

I’m trying out the new Word 07 which has a blog feature. If it’s true and it works then I’ll just stick with this.

If it works ok then we’ll go the next step and add a picture. A friend on SL took me shopping. LOL Gotta love sugar daddy’s. There are so many cool cloths in SL I’d wear if a) I could and b) I had the money. I’ve never been a shopping whore but get me in game and look out. I also bought a new skin that’s vampish.

In other amusing news, the guy who took me shopping more or less asked me if I wanted to be collared to him. LOL Now that was funny. Having an owner to me means so much more than it does to most of these people in SL. Just for fun we discussed what his idea of a collar was…which was Collar Lite 2.0. He basically wants an SL sex slave (lol) and told me that if I hadn’t put in my profile that I was owned in RL he would have pursued me sooner. The collar is so loose in his mind I’m surprised the dang thing wouldn’t slip off my hips.

Later someone was asking me about the situation when I told them and we got into a deep discussion about D/s and ownership. I argued the point of the sub having all the power. In some relationships, sure I can go with that. In others, they started out with it…gave it away and only have the ability to say that last goodbye. You can argue with me all you want that that is all the power but ALL has a meaning and if you only can make one decision..that’s not ALL. I also told my friend that Daddy would slap me silly if I put an SL owner over him. The gasps in the room were hilarious. Ok so maybe slap is a strong word…but SL would definitely go bye bye for a while if not other things.

Things are going pretty well over all. Had a few stumbles lately and yesterday was almost a living nightmare of stress. But I feel like I recovered ok from it. I was happy about succeeding in a few goals I had for the day so that made me happy. It looks like I’ll get to see a friend on Friday and Daddy, Tat and I are going to Bar Night at the Eagle for MAST on Saturday. Seeing him both nights would be cool but he’s gotta an early morning on Sunday and I don’t want him to have to be late to it.

Ok…back off to do things and see if this will post as well. Catch ya on the flip side. LOL