Busy busy podcastin' girl…




So I was sitting around tonight doing a little work before I planned to hit the bed and I went over to Talkshoe to see if anything was going on and check my stats cause I do that alot! LOL And I decided to jump in on this guy’s podcast that he does whenever he’s bored. He had a decent amount of listeners and talkers and it occurred to me as I saw he was on Episode 90 that while he might not be making a buttload of cash…he’s got something here. You get a few cents for everyone to participates and everyone who downloads your cast. Everytime you listen I get like 3 cents. LOL It ads but but for TC that’s not why I’m doing it. However…..

We all know I do tarot and domination calls. And here’s a GREAT way to advertize both of those services I do, bring a lot of people together talking about things I enjoy talking about, and possibly provide some cash via my advertizing via the casts and selling ads to other people who do tarot or take nf calls. It’s all slowly coming together! ๐Ÿ™‚

Course this is just 2 more things I’ve now decided to add to the plate of TC, writing, meetings, karate, working out, serving Daddy, training, taking calls, etc. I suppose doing a lot is better then laying in bed doing nothing. Motivation baby…motivation is the wave I’ve been waiting for for a while. Let’s hope I ride it and not splat in it. ๐Ÿ˜›

So…tomorrow night I will be doing 2 casts and plan a new episode for TC the beginning of next week. Sat I’m at Tats. Sunday I’m in philly for a writers meeting and staying at Tat’s over night. Feel free to come participate tomorrow night.

Tarotology: Readings and Advice – 9:30 Eastern
Reign Storm – Midnight