Yay…it's not that bad!




I ran my errands this morning. The good news…I can get my phone replaced for free as it’s still under warrenty. The bad news…I have to pay my monthly bill first and I’m waiting for our latest invoice to be paid. It’ll take 2 days to get the new phone once that’s done. So if you message me or call and I don’t answer that’s why. Leave me a message and I’ll check now and then. You can also call me at 201.830.1586 and leave me voice mail and I’ll get back to you. Please make sure to let me know if I’m allowed to post your recording or not cause I just might. ๐Ÿ™‚

I got Daddy’s belt in and I’m trying to find ways to advertize my sites and get started on my work. I did manage to end up with a cold which bites. ๐Ÿ™ I’ll have to make sure I rest so I don’t mess up my new status back on the line when I get to karate tomorrow.

Talk to you soon.