Ok so I'm a bad host




Yeah Yeah…I know. Bad kimi. I haven’t updated in a long time. But I HAVE been busy and been working, not just hiding in a hole. I’ve been doing a lot of TesFest planning and we are still looking for volunteers so if you want to get into TesFest for free (minus the hotel) hit me up and I’ll schedule for 12 hours of fun filled work among wacky kinky people!

I’m also gearing up to release my first chapter of Guardians as well as the release of the website to host it. www.guardiansnovel.com will be set up soon and I’m hoping for a June 10th release date on Chapter 1.

Other then that, I’m doing ok. The working out is going slow. Obviously it’s not as easy as I wanted it to be but I’m working on it. Trying to get ready for TesFest and then DragonCon on that. Meds are doing ok but I have had some ups and downs on depression and anxiety. Dealing as always. The headaches have been a bit of a bitch though.

We got a new bed cause the other one was pretty much dead so it’s alot like sleeping in the Princess and the Pea. Cool…but a little less comfy. We need one of those HUGE gooose down matresses to cover the bed. ๐Ÿ™‚ That would rock.

Ok….I was going to put in a video from youtube but they are being slow as crap so you’ll have to wait until next time. ๐Ÿ˜›