
Saga1137782293_iaaI just saw Episode 3 of Star Wars. As a movie…I liked it. I thought it was well put together. I liked the graphics. The acting and the script were awesome. But being the hopeless romantic I am…it just broke my heart to watch Anakin become what we knew he must become. I feel like I did when I watched the Karate Kid and realized that I was never going to be able to fall in love with Ralph Macchio because he “had a girlfriend”.

It saddens me for the character…but it also saddens me because I think that Hayden Christensen is a wonderful actor. If he can make me feel the way he did on the movie screen then he’s got to be good. And that in and of itself saddens me. To know that I’m never going to meet this man who can make me feel such complex and heart hurting emotion. To also know that I probably don’t have that kind of talent that could make others feel this particular way about me. The way people feel when they realize what kind of determination Brittney Spears has to have to be such a success. Mostly I’m hung up on not meeting someone like Hayden. Don’t get me wrong. I know it couldn’t be that intense emotion 24/7. Eventually we’d be living life and life isn’t like that. You have bills and people get bored with each other. But still…

I think it’s highly possible that I’m feeling this way because I’ve been off lately. I know that probably less then 3% of the people who watched that movie came out of it feeling the way I did. I only give 3% because I’m not SO egotistical to think I’m the only one who could feel that way. But I really gotta tell you…Hayden just made my top 3 dreamy guys. I DO have a thing for bad boys. (Riddick and “Queen of the Damn’s” LeStat being the other two).


2 responses to “:sigh:”

  1. mischie


    I think you have a lot of determination to succeed and that you will be successful in whatever you sincerely try to take on. You’re a great writer and you have heart. Once you figure out what your dreams are, you just have to make yourself go for them. Nothing is beyond any of us if we’re willing to work for it and bust our asses. I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re a smart, very attractive woman who has a lot going for her. Never settle for less than you deserve. Believe in yourself, Kimi. I’m sure I’m not the only one reading who thinks that you excel in more ways than you may currently realize.


  2. Thank you for the comments. I appricate the nice words and the motivation. ๐Ÿ™‚