Yeah yeah…I'm updating




So I was going to do some stupid meme to qualify as an update but considering I’ve just been insulted by the meme in question I refuse to put it up. I don’t believe I have ever been qualified as a class clown, i.e. idiot like the one I just took seems to think I am. There is always a first I guess.

Things seem to be calming down a little, I think. Some of my stress is lessening though I think I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Part of me says I should just let it go, enjoy the ride, let it take me where it does, and stop obsessing about problems and I’ll be much happier. So why can’t I? Hmm….maybe cause I feel guilty? Yeah that might be it.

I’ve been trying to get over the flu though it’s going really slow. Tat got really sick today and we went to pick her up from work. Daddy is still sick but is working his guts out since it’s Xmas AND time to pay bills. I’m trying to get guys to call me on my new Niteflirt lines and it’s going slow. Right now…I’m hoping that my stress decreases, my flu goes away so I can get though class on Thursday and hopefully be well for my birthday next Tuesday. Incidentally, I will be doing the door for TES’s “Religion and BDSM” meeting that night. Interesting way to spend your birthday, hmm? ๐Ÿ™‚

I do, however, know what Tat is getting me for my bday. She’s agreed to upgrade my phone. I’ve been bitching about wanting a new one since Daddy upgraded his and gave me his hand me down. I believe I’ll be getting the EnV. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m pretty psyched about it. She also got me two new pair of boots for Xmas. I got to try them on and they look hot! LOL Yeah I know…I shouldn’t KNOW what I’m getting but…what can I tell you. ๐Ÿ˜› If it makes everyone feel better I have no idea what I’m getting from Daddy, my parents, my boy, or the other gifts from his mom and/or Tat. ๐Ÿ˜› Does that help any? Course I have no idea what I’m getting any of them either so…I think it all evens out nicely. ๐Ÿ˜› (I was however told they need my amazon wishlist so here it is…try not to laugh to hard when you see some of the objects of my lust on the list.)

I got a nice email from someone saying that really enjoy reading what I have to say and wished I could be a little more blunt about my life. I sorta wish I could to and it makes me want to make an anonymous blog but then you people wouldn’t know it was me so you wouldn’t know to read it which kinda defeats the purpose of me writing one so you can read it. Is anyone else but concerned my fever is a little high??


I did want to mention that we went out to RuthsChris for Tat and his Mom’s bday. It was WONDERFUL! I am not a steak person but I have to tell you that it was heaven. The ten dollar potatoes were a little crazy but….Obviously its not the kind of place you get to go out to every weekend but I’m looking forward to going again sometime! ๐Ÿ˜›

That’s enough crazy fever talk for now..I promise I’ll try and write more without it being days in between. I’ve been down, sick, and untalkative so that’s why I haven’t wanted to share a whole bunch. Thank you all though for coming back to check on me.

(BTW….I almost have my Pure-submission site set up so when it is I’ll point you at it so you can enjoy the stuff you would have to tribute me for to actually get! Who says I don’t love ya!)

[tags]update, birthdays, TES, outings, Niteflirt, xmas, health, meme[/tags]