*hop hop*




Today has been a really good day. Nothing in particular has been special about it…I’ve just been in a fabulous mood! ๐Ÿ˜‰  Before I sat down to write this I had all these things I intended to write and I guess I’m just really tired cause I can’t remember them anymore. LOL

I did want to say how evil I am. Last night I took a NF call and I LIED my f*cken ass off to the guy. He wanted to be a cuckold and considering I am not really into cuckolding in real life I had to just make up shit. I told him crap about how I was mean to guys in high school and how I made geeks do my homework and teased them by saying I’d go out with them. I told him this story about talking to a geek in the hallway to plan out him doing one of my assignments and how my jock bf and his friends came down the hall and basically shoved him around and stuff. That I laughed and walked away with them cause I had nothing left to tell him about what needed to be done for my assignment. He totally loved that. But the one that totally got him (and yes I mean actually got him off) was the story about a geek taking me to a school dance and then me dumping him there for a guy I had a crush on instead. How the crush cut in on our dance and I spent the rest of the night laughing and dancing while he stood against the table watching us. How I made out with him in the parking lot the next day and watched the geek pass by the car staring at us. All I could hear from the guy on the phone was “oh boy…oh boy!” LOLOL

If this were the PK site I’d be telling that story…except saying how I’d done it. I am SO not that cruel. I could never do that. Today I dealt with a wanker who said he bought me stuff on Amazon then promptly canceled it after I did an hour cam session with him. See if I do that again. The jerks will have to wait til I have my stuff. LOL ๐Ÿ™‚

Tat ordered my phone for me today for my bday and I’m so excited. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m starting to look forward to Tuesday. ๐Ÿ™‚ The boy asked me to ask Daddy if I could go out to the movies and food on Tuesday before TES. It was so sweet of him to ask me out for my bday. ๐Ÿ™‚ Daddy is thinking about it, though it’s hard to say if plans will work out on either side. The boy has plans that are much more important for the cash that I would rather him take care of. I can wait a few days or a week to see him if he takes care of the other issues. ๐Ÿ™‚ The fact that he wanted to at all was enough. That and asking me to to ask Daddy’s permission. ๐Ÿ™‚ He really is a doll and it’s amazing the crap he puts up with as well as how much he gives to me for little to nothing back. Someday I’m gonna have to make it up to him. ๐Ÿ™‚

Ok…gotta go finish my order off Amazon and go to bed. I’m off to stay with Tat tomorrow while Daddy and DD go to see Flagg. Not sure what we’ll do but I’ve been having so much fun making money off the NF boys that I’m sure I’ll have my listings on just in case while we fuck around. ๐Ÿ™‚ Now I just gotta get another guy to call the 5.99 a min IGNORE YOU line. ๐Ÿ˜›