Category: general

  • PPPPPPth.

    God decided to pull a cruel joke on me today. After having gotten up and making Daddy breakfast, in which Daddy was in a pretty good mood and he was fairly happy with me…he promptly found the 9k worth of software….. right next to his monitor. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at…

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  • Measurement Update

        1/3/05 5/11/05 Change   Body Composition Body Fat 42.41 38.81 -3.6 Weight 169.00 161.00 -8.00 Lean Body Mass 97.33 98.51 1.18 Fat Mass 71.67 62.49 -9.18 Additional Health Indicators Body Mass Index (BMI) 30.86 29.4 -1.46 Waist To Hip Ratio (WHR) .21 .23 .02 Your Metabolism Resting Metabolic Rate 1325 1337 12 Lifestyle…

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  • Off for a bit..

    Off with Daddy to go into NYC to an XSI software party but we’ll be back later on tonight. I’ll fill you all in on my <sarcasm>wonderful</sarcasm> experience yesterday with Dr’s.  See you soon. 

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  • Another long one…

    Ok..where to start. In a bit I’m gonna go play CoH for a while but a few things sparked my urge to write.  This is gonna be very random and wild thought process here. I’ll just warn you. * I’m so into me that I check my stats constantly. I check my stats almost as…

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  • UG! COH problem…

    Since I don’t have any other way to get a hold of Silver Gh0st….this is for him if he happens to come and look at the site. My machine froze up and now I keep having an error when I try and run the game. I’ll try and be back but I don’t know what…

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  • Happy Mother's Day

    It’s been a pretty good Mother’s Day. Tat came over and we made baked ziti, salad, mozzarella and tomato appetizer, and lots of fruit for dessert. They really liked it and were happy to have had us cook. I’ve made a few mistakes today one which caused a problem with the MD cards. I’m still…

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  • FYI

    Just pointing out a few things. I still have long posts to write here soon but I’m not in any frame of mind to figure out what I want to say. You’ll see some new things on the side. Pages….but they are still in progress. I’ll post when there is something on them to see.…

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  • Trying again… 🙂

    This is a post from flickr…it’s one of my favorite pics of myself. 🙂 Won’t you be happy when I have a gallery?

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  • Ok…give me your thoughts…

    As you can see…I have a picture here from Flickr. It’s a really cool way to post pictures up to your blog and to the net to allow people to see them. I have been using TextAmerica and using the side bar to let you know when I update a picture. You can have it…

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  • Could have been worse

    Sadly this icon doesn’t represent the mircale of me finding the software…but God did show mercy on me and we are able to download the updated version of the software from the company’s website. We were set up with a support account so we have access to the section that would in fact allow us…

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