Author: kimiko
Returning the favor…
There have been quite a few times lately when I’ve needed to just chill out and relax. I have tried hard not to make this insanity anyone else’s problem but I guess everyone needs a helping hand now and then. Luckily I’ve had a few people around to remind me of that. ๐ I felt…
Did pretty well over all today. Didn’t get a ton of sleep but that happens occasionally. Nothing really exciting happened today but I didn’t want to not post. So um….hi! ๐ Yup…that pretty much well sums it all up.
Doing better…
I thought I would take a second and let you all know I’m feeling much better about life. Today was ok but I had a really good talk with Sulis and she helped me focus on a few things I hadn’t really thought about.
I have not tamed my Gremlin
Gremlins… What can we say about Gremlins but…they suck! I keep trying to imagine what my Gremlin looks like. It’s extremely good at hiding in the shadows. It’s part of why I like the picture at the top…I imagine that’s Scarab’s Gremlin creeping up behind her. You’d think it would be scared of the shiny…
A note and the Volunteer Party
Wow this might be a long post. I have a few things I want to talk about. Let me say as a webmaster…there should be stuff in the side bar. I’m not sure why there isn’t. Daddy’s going to help me fick it later. LOL So if you want the sidebar stuff…hit another page.
I love my sister….
As you can see I have a beautiful new header! (those of you who are friended or rssing me need to click here and comeรย look!)รย Kabuki is my favorite comic done by David Mack. I’ve met him several times at DragonCon. My favorite character from Kabuki is Scarab who you can see at the top! ๐…
Yuck ๐
Well as you can see I’m re-arranging my page. I can’t findรย the picture that my header came from so you’ll have to suffer with this plain blue one at the top until then. ๐ I went to the beach yesterday with Tatsumi and D. It was so hot! I spent most of my time in…
It’s amazing…you take a pill for 2 days and you think you should automatically be better. Espeically when you manage to spend several hours in row feeling like yourself. For part of the day I felt like diving under the covers and just hiding. Sleeping sounded SO good. But I needed to get some things…